Thursday, 31 July 2014

Population Distribution in India paragraphs - homework time

First homework related  blog post!

In class for the last week we have been looking at where people live in India and WHY they choose to live in certain regions. This is a question that could come up in your end of year exam so to prepare for this we have been writing paragraphs to answer this in class. If you have missed any of the information, here are some links to help you out with what you need to do.

Click HERE for the PowerPoint we went through in class that breaks the question down into parts

Click HERE for the information about the reasons for population distribution

Lastly, here is a photo example of an annotated map showing population distribution in India

These paragraphs are due  in Tuesday 5th August. However, feel free to hand in as soon as you have finished!

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

We have a blog!

Hi Level 1 Geography fans!

Welcome to the Geo Slades Level 1 Geography blog. My intention for this blog is to provide another way to get information to you (and your parents if they wish) about what we are doing in class. I want you guys to use this space as a place to get a recap of important parts of lessons, pick up homework tasks, access revision materials and gather any extra information that might be helpful to you. More posts to follow soon!